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The Journal of Urban Mobility is now a reality!

Prof. Dr. Frank Witlox informed us about the opportunity to publish in a new journal, which is linked to EIT Urban Mobility. The Journal of Urban Mobility is a fully Open Access journal, initiated and supported by the EIT Urban Mobility, offering prompt publication and wide dissemination of new urban mobility research to a global audience.

The journal publishes peer-reviewed contributions in all areas of urban mobility that will accelerate solutions that improve our collective use of livable urban spaces, while ensuring accessible, convenient, safe, efficient, sustainable and affordable multimodal mobility.

The journal is unique in that it takes a systemic approach to urban mobility and encourages multi- or cross-disciplinary triple-helix publications, bringing together academics and practitioners, businesses (industry and small-and-medium-sized companies) and cities. Those wishing to submit articles, viewpoints, short reports, project summaries, discussions of new research data and case studies for publication should refer to the Guide for Authors.


  • Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Büttner, PhD: Technical University of Munich, Munchen, Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Frank Witlox, PhD: Ghent University Department of Geography, Gent, Belgium

Associate editors: 

  • Dr. Joel Franklin, PhD: Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Dr. Amnir Hadachi: University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
  • Professor Soora Rasouli: University of Technology Eindhoven Department of Built Environment, Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • Dr. Elisa Sayrol: Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
  • Dr. Immaculada Ribas Vila: Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain

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