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Nordic Female Founder Series | Copenhagen & Gothenburg

In June, EIT Urban Mobility hosted two events to identify female founders in the Nordics, within urban mobility. The events are part of an effort made by EIT Urban Mobility and Position99 to both identify more female founders in the region and, to help them get access to venture capital through increased visibility and match making.  Read more here about the collaboration. 

The first event was hosted by our partner Lindholmen Science Park in Gothenburg, a hub for innovative projects with a focus on mobility for tomorrow.  

The second event was hosted at Bloxhub, the Nordic hub for sustainable urbanization in Copenhagen, Denmark. The theme was liveable cities, innovation and gender.  

Both events brought together a diverse mix of female founders, funders and potential innovators to discuss the gender imbalance in entrepreneurship in the region and to discuss what we can do to improve the ecosystem for female entrepreneurs. 

Anna Branten, the initiator of Position99 presented her research on innovation and gender, and then facilitated an inspiring and lively discussion amongst the participants. 

During the Copenhagen event a few of the participants shared some key messages that they took away from the discussion. 

EIT Urban Mobility is looking forward to continuing these discussions and uncovering and supporting more female founders in Urban Mobility.

If you are or know of female founders in the Nordics looking for funding – then sign up for or share the Position 99 List with them!

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