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MITMA-Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda of Spain and EIT Urban Mobility agree on moving forward their collaboration agreement in 2023

EIT Urban Mobility (represented by Innovation Hub South) and the Spanish Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA, Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) back in May 2022. The MoU provides the framework for the work towards collaborative initiatives to tackle the current (and future) urban mobility challenges of Spanish cities. 

Activities so far

  • An event in Madrid on Mobility Data Spaces (11 October 2022) organised by EIT Urban Mobility and co-hosted by Rocío Báguena, Director of the Transport Studies and Technology Division of MITMA. Ms. Báguena set the scene on the state-of-the-art of data sharing in the mobility and transport sectors in Spain, highlighting the efforts and lighthouse projects lead by MITMA in this field (EDIM, NAP, etc.). The event was an opportunity to further discuss the main obstacles and barriers of the public sector when sharing data with other key stakeholders (private sector, research and academia, citizens, etc.), and to exchange with the audience on suitable and quick-win actions at this regard. 
  • Second workshop of the Working Group on Mobility of Gaia-X Spain, organized back-to-back with Tomorrow.Mobility World Congress (15 November 2022). The workshop was an opportunity to discuss further the potential of Mobility Data Spaces for the Spanish market, and to co-create use cases with experts from the quadruple-helix of innovation. The output of this session will be transferred to a second edition of the brand-new study on this topic by the i2CAT Foundation, FACTUAL and EIT Urban Mobility. 

Outlook 2023

The standing committee – with representatives of MITMA and EIT Urban Mobility – met on 22 December 2022 to assess the progress regarding the implementation of the activities, and to agree on the priorities for next year. 

The outcome of this meeting is a set of priority actions in the fields of digitalization, data sharing and data economy; demand responsive transit (DRT); and the transition towards carbon-neutrality in cities.  

These actions will be mainly focused on capacity building and training of mobility practitioners; knowledge transfer (conferences, thematic sessions, workshops); raising public awareness (communication and dissemination); and testing and piloting of innovative solutions. 


Stay tuned for more information on the upcoming initiatives co-organized by MITMA and EIT Urban Mobility. 



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