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Empowering young people to co-design urban spaces and mobility solutions

Co-designing our futures

It’s clear that the Bicycle Heroes programme has left a resounding positive impact beyond its initially projected mobility solutions. Most importantly, the project stakeholders have realised the value of incorporating youth voices and perspectives to design more inclusive infrastructures for all ages. The concept has also been presented at major conferences such as Tomorrow.Mobility World Congress (EIT Urban Mobility’s flagship event co-organised with Fira de Barcelona), POLIS, and Child in the City and Velo-City to inspire replication in new urban contexts.

These types of activities that were conducted through 4I4U have had a noticeable impact on the participants and their interest in sustainable mobility. For example Gorka Pradas, a Masters student in Urban Mobility, explained: “The project allowed us as students to learn from each other and reflect together on understanding the complexities and challenges of urban mobility and develop skills for designing urban solutions. It has also made me more willing to pursue my studies at the European level or to consider a profession in the urban mobility sector.”

Open collaborations for open spaces

Guiding local policy

Shaping urban futures together