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I have a question for you: Road safety and micro-mobility

Did you know that the main goal of Vision Zero by the European Commission is to have 0 road deaths by 2050? Indeed, road safety is one of the main concerns of the European Union as:

As key figures extracted from the Annual statistical report on road safety in the EU 2020 presented by the European Commission, ¨between 2010 and 2019, 935,216 crashes resulted in injuries or death in Europe and 22,700 people lost their lives in 21,170 accidents. Despite the high number of decisions, truth is that the number of deaths on Europe’s roads fell by 36% between 2010 and 2020, below the EU target of 50%.¨

Another related trend is that deaths of vulnerable road users are not declining as fast as those of motor vehicle occupants. In urban centres, foe example, the statistics are stark, 70% of reported road deaths are pedestrians, cyclists and power-two-wheeler (PTW) riders.

These figures raised the alarms of the EU, setting plans to make our roads safer to reduce mortality and ensure the increase of liveability in our cities. And do you know what can considerably help to decrease those figures? Micro-mobility devices, which is the main topic of our I have a question for you!

This month, we had 5 guests:

Our colleagues, Jordi Casas, City Development and Public Funding Officer, and Delia Mitcan, Innovation lyfecycle officer shared with us their views on the topic and how cities are coping with this. Sergi Fayos, showcased some of the solutions already available on our marketplace. Martí Massot, Raptor Project leader explained to us how this project run entirely by our organisation is bringing together cities and startups to address challenges faing citizens.

We also had the opportunity to learn more about Volvero, a startup from our portfolio, with its CEO and Co-founder, Marco Filippi, and we had the chance to spend some minutes to learn how our partner Humankind is changing urban mobility in Europe and beyond, with its Founder and CEO, Lior Steinberg.

Enjoy the watching!

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