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EIT Urban Mobility joins European Mobility Week 2024

EIT Urban Mobility is confirming its active participation in European Mobility Week 2024, the European Commission’s flagship campaign promoting sustainable urban mobility. Taking place from 16–22 September, this annual event culminates in the highly anticipated Car-Free Sunday, inviting cities across Europe to rethink their transportation systems and celebrate eco-friendly mobility alternatives such as walking and […]

CLEAR: City Liveability by Redesign – second year

Launch real-life transition experiments in urban streets by means of small, tangible interventions, in combination with alternative mobility concepts CLEAR aims to share a methodology for “transition experiments”, positioning low-cost, tactical actions in streets and public spaces within a strategic scope on sustainable urban mobility. COVID-19, as a global time of emergency, means public space […]

Info session: Master School and Fellowship Academy Open Call (MS)

This Open Call focuses on a series of specific activity areas aimed at meeting the EIT Urban Mobility Master School and Fellowship targets, including Summer Schools, new urban mobility related Master programmes that have the potential to be integrated into the EIT Urban Mobility Master School and obtain the EIT Label, new universities joining existing […]

Planos de Mobilidade Urbana Sustentável (SUMPs)

IMT and EIT Urban Mobility, in partnership with BGI, will organize on September 26th, in Coimbra, a training on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. The session will be aimed mainly at technicians from municipalities, metropolitan areas and inter-municipal communities, but is open to professionals, companies and startups in the area of ​​mobility, subject to availability of […]

Master School and Fellowship Academy Open Call (MS)

This Open Call focuses on a series of specific activity areas aimed at meeting the EIT Urban Mobility Master School and Fellowship targets, including Summer Schools, new urban mobility related Master programmes that have the potential to be integrated into the EIT Urban Mobility Master School and obtain the EIT Label, new universities joining existing […]

2024 EIT Jumpstarter cohort selected

These weeks mark the beginning of the Online Bootcamps of the EIT Jumpstarter programme. A significant step for the selected 186 teams of in total 341 founders from across Europe who seek to validate their innovative ideas. The digital classroom will soon be buzzing with activity as these diverse teams embark on their startup journeys. […]

Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) Education Open Call

EIT Urban Mobility RIS is designed as a two-way interaction scheme. By sharing good practices of Knowledge Triangle Integration (KTI) and increasing activities in eligible countries, EIT Urban Mobility gains access to productive inputs, business skills, talent, cooperation opportunities in education, market and business, currently untapped entrepreneurial potential, customers for innovative ventures, innovation, knowledge, knowhow […]

EIT Urban Mobility RIS Winter Schools wrap-up: Driving change for sustainable cities

Over the past few weeks, the inaugural RIS Winter Schools Series, co-founded and supported by EIT Urban Mobility, saw a gathering of almost 120 bachelor students from various RIS countries in three European cities to delve into the realms of sustainable urban mobility. During one week, participants were involved in different workshops and lectures to […]

Competence Hub Open Call

One of the main objectives of EIT Urban Mobility is to close the knowledge gap within urban mobility, enabling the development of mobility for liveable urban spaces. This includes fostering innovation and entrepreneurship skills in a lifelong learning perspective. There is a constant need to develop new education methods, content, and business models to improve […]

IESE and EIT Urban Mobility: Empowering change through strategic partnerships 

On December 1, 2023, IESE Business School and EIT Urban Mobility embarked on their first joint endeavour at an Incubation Workshop hosted by IESE’s PPP for Cities (Public-Private Partnerships) research centre in Barcelona. Under the guiding theme of “A Vision for Barcelona’s Future,” the event served as an open forum to address Barcelona’s multifaceted urban challenges collaboratively, emphasising the kind of innovative […]


The Sustainability in the Built Environment programme is an innovative eight-week learning journey presented by RMIT Europe with RMIT Online. This dynamic initiative is designed to empower individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to drive meaningful change in urban mobility practices. Learners will spend the first two weeks completing an intensive on the selected […]

Spot the Bias

We all want mobility services to work well. However, people have very different mobility needs and movement patterns which are often not taken into account when planning mobility solutions. This is precisely where the Inclusive Mobility Academy comes in. This course imparts the necessary knowledge to enable learners to take the necessary steps to utilise […]


The EIT Urban Mobility Leadership Programme aspires to be an agent of change in urban mobility by transforming the leadership landscape. It seeks to foster the growth of high-potential leaders within the public sector, equipping them with the skills and perspective to effectively manage and innovate in an increasingly complex landscape. Emerging leaders, nominated by […]


The ‘Digitalizing Mobility: Practices, Trends, Solutions’ professional course aims to equip industry stakeholders, such as public transport operators, city entities, policy makers, NGOs and mobility companies, with the insights and understandings required to address the challenges of information communication technologies (ICT) and digitalisation in the transport industry with a cutting edge, innovative mindset. The course […]

Master’s Programme Webinar – Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions

Do you want to create more liveable cities and shape the future of Urban Mobility? We educate, inspire, and unite future leaders in the urban mobility sector! In partnership with 8 universities in Europe, EIT Urban Mobility’s wide-ranging master’s programmes give students the education urgently needed by the industry and cities. Our double-degree programmes prepare students to launch […]

Master’s Programme Webinar – Smart Mobility Data Science and Analytics

Do you want to create more liveable cities and shape the future of Urban Mobility? We educate, inspire, and unite future leaders in the urban mobility sector! In partnership with 8 universities in Europe, EIT Urban Mobility’s wide-ranging master’s programmes give students the education urgently needed by the industry and cities. Our double-degree programmes prepare students to launch […]

Master’s Programme Webinar – Business Engineering in Urban Mobility

Do you want to create more liveable cities and shape the future of Urban Mobility? We educate, inspire, and unite future leaders in the urban mobility sector! In partnership with 8 universities in Europe, EIT Urban Mobility’s wide-ranging master’s programmes give students the education urgently needed by the industry and cities. Our double-degree programmes prepare students to launch […]

EIT EdTech Conference 2024: A resounding success at The EGG Brussels

We are proud of the success of the very first edition of the EIT EdTech Conference, an EIT Community event organised by EIT Urban Mobility last 23 January at The EGG Brussels. The event gathered more than a hundred high-level European representatives from education and innovation communities, including Higher Education Institutions, EdTech companies, and representatives […]

LEZ Courses

Low Emission Zones (LEZs) significantly reduce accidents, pollution, and other negative externalities derived from urban traffic. Moreover, the implementation of LEZs has been mandated by the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law in Spain in 2023. This project is related to a face-to-face course originally launched in 2021 and scaled in 2022. The aim of […]

RealEstate MOOC

RMIT Europe and EIT Urban Mobility offer an innovative real estate and urban mobility massive open online course (MOOC), hosted on online learning platform FutureLearn. The course is tailored for professionals from city authorities, public institutions, companies, and NGOs looking to enhance their expertise in urban mobility. Real estate and urban mobility play a crucial […]

Walkability SOC

RMIT Europe and EIT Urban Mobility offer an innovative walkability short online course (SOC), hosted on online learning platform FutureLearn. The course is specifically designed for professionals from city authorities, public institutions, companies, and NGOs seeking to advance their knowledge in urban mobility. The course will address the challenges faced by cities in developing walkable […]

Urban Mobility Summer School

From 26 June to 7 July, 2023 the Urban Mobility Summer School was held in both Belgium and France.  The two  adjacent countries hosted  students of the EIT Urban Mobility Master School, as well as external participants, at  Ghent University and the University of Rennes 1 for two weeks. Through an intensive Innovation and Entrepreneurship […]


Even though innovation in urban mobility in Europe has grown in the most recent years, driven by a growing emphasis on sustainability, real challenges persist in this scenario. Thus, European and Portuguese cities offer fertile ground for innovation and entrepreneurship in the urban mobility sector. In this context, the EIT Urban Mobility Innov4Mobility Winter School […]