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Regional Innovation Scheme Urban Mobility Specialists (RISUMS) Open Call 2025

4 July 2024

At EIT Urban Mobility, our mission is to accelerate change towards a sustainable mobility model for liveable urban spaces. In the current context of climate emergency, our objective is to support our community of innovators to develop mobility solutions that help people mitigate and adapt to climate change, while improving the quality of life in our cities, creating jobs and strengthening the European mobility sector.

In the countries of the Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS), tailor-made activities are developed to meet the diverse innovation needs of its eligible countries and to ensure the balanced pan-European geographical coverage of the innovation community.

Through our well-established portfolio of programmes designed to support agile and collaborative mobility innovation, and through our supported startups, we can offer an inspiring innovation ecosystem that improves and stimulates the connection with the local networks of the RIS countries.

In November 2023, a new place-based strategy was approved by the EIT and the EIT KICs, setting out the deployment of 24 EIT Community RIS Hubs in the RIS countries and outermost regions. Each country’s EIT Community RIS Hub will bring together all the KIC-related offices, RIS specialists and National Contact Points (NCP) under one single innovation community.

Within this new framework, we seek to build on the results of the former RIS Hub network of EIT Urban Mobility, making the necessary changes to thrive in a new structure full of new synergies and opportunities. We aim to find specialists for the following countries and regions: Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Türkiye, Greece + Cyprus, Serbia + Montenegro+ North Macedonia, Croatia  + Slovenia + Bosnia&Herzegovina.

Main features of the call (aim and challenges)

This Call for Proposals aims to select the strongest proposals that will deliver activities to support our RIS strategy in the selected regions and countries in all fields of activity, such as enlarging the network, scouting and supporting new talents or startups, and deploying new mobility solutions. More particularly, the selected RIS Urban Mobility Specialists (RISUMS) proposals will foster close interactions between local innovation actors and link local innovation ecosystems to the KIC’s pan-European innovation ecosystem. They will also help integrate potential new partners and participants from the local innovation ecosystem in KIC activities.

Integrating RISUMS into the EIT Community RIS Hubs is also a top priority. The RISUMS will work in close cooperation with the EIT Community RIS Hub, which represents all the EIT KICs in the country through an EIT Community Officer (ECO). Cooperation will involve information exchange, data sharing, alignment on events, stakeholder meetings, etc.

  1. Local community building
  2. Impact Ventures support
  3. Innovation support
  4. Education support

Contact details

All applicants may contact the RIS Team at EIT Urban Mobility at to resolve any concerns or doubts about the call content and the call process.

Call info-session

EIT Urban Mobility organised an online information session on 17 July 2024 from 11.00 to 12.30 CET focused on the call content, the objectives and requirements, as well as on the general procedures, such as the submission and evaluation process and the proposal submission tool. Watch here:

Call Summary

Call for Proposals Main Features
Key dates of the Call calendar[1]Call opening: 4 July 2024
Call closure: 30 September 2024 at 17.00 CET
Eligibility and admissibility check: October 2024
Evaluation of proposals (First stage): October-November 2024
Portfolio Selection (Second Stage): November 2024
Communication of results: December 2024
Tentative start of the projects: 1 January 2025
Total estimated EIT Funding allocated to this Call€1,500,000 total for 2025, all countries combined. A similar amount is estimated for 2026, 2027 and 2028
Link to the submission portal Refer to Section 4.2.1 How and when to apply from the Call Manual
Countries to be coveredList of countries: Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Türkiye, Greece + Cyprus, Serbia + Montenegro + North Macedonia, Croatia + Slovenia+Bosnia&Herzegovina.
List of documents to be submittedApplication form available on the NetSuite platform
– Self-declaration of competencies (template available)
– CVs of the key experts (for all three areas if applicable)
– PFT budget proportion calculation table (template available)
– Project budget forecast for 2026-2028 (template available)
– Video-pitch link
List of documents to take into considerationCall manual (updated version 25/07)
EIT Urban Mobility Strategic Agenda 2021-2027
Governance MoU of the EIT Community RIS Hub
Guidelines for applicants
Eligibility of expenditure
Appeal procedure
Self-declaration of competencies
PFT budget proportion calculation table (updated version 16/07)
Project Budget Forecast for 2026-2028
Project Implementation Handbook
Financial Support Agreement (FSA) template
Horizon Europe Model Grant Agreement
Presentation call info session
Short summary of the topics to be addressedProposals must support the local RISUMS actions of EIT Urban Mobility in the respective country in at least two of the following areas:
– Local community building
– Impact Ventures support
– Innovation support
– Education support
Preference is given to proposals that address all four areas. Proposals offering support in all areas will be given a higher score in the evaluation
Evaluation criteria (first stage)– Excellence: Applicant’s track record in mobility, transport and innovation, EIT Urban Mobility programme knowledge and experience, key expert qualification
– Impact: level of ambition in KPI and (Perfomance Funding Target) PFT
– Quality and efficiency of implementation: budget and value for money, workplan of activities
Portfolio selection criteria (second stage)– Evaluation of the video-pitch
– Business intelligence, including applicants track record in EIT Urban Mobility projects, and financial viability

[1] Please note that this calendar is indicative. Dates may be subject to slight changes.

Starting date for sending applications:
Deadline for applications: