Park(ing) Day 2024 set to transform urban spaces during European Mobility Week

Park(ing) Day 2024 is ready to revolutionise cityscapes once again. Set for 20 September 2024, the event aligns with European Mobility Week, underlining the collective effort to enhance urban mobility and liveability. Park(ing) Day, an initiative from San Francisco, aims to transform metered parking spaces into temporary public parks, art installations, and social hubs. This […]
Park(ing) Day 2023. Giving back the streets to the citizens

Park(ing) Day is an international event, organised annually in cities around the world, that has one simple goal: to give the streets back to the citizen Its aim is to reclaim the streets from cars and instead use them to promote public activities, such as art, music, and recreational activities Park(ing) Day 2023 will be […]