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Master School and Fellowship Academy Open Call (MS)

This Open Call focuses on a series of specific activity areas aimed at meeting the EIT Urban Mobility Master School and Fellowship targets, including Summer Schools, new urban mobility related Master programmes that have the potential to be integrated into the EIT Urban Mobility Master School and obtain the EIT Label, new universities joining existing EIT Urban Mobility Master programmes, and existing Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) programmes at Master level aligned with the EIT Label Handbook for EIT Fellowships criteria with the potential to join the EIT Urban Mobility I&E Fellowship. This Call is also open to proposals for other types of activities with a high potential to achieve our KPI and financial sustainability targets.

Main features of the call (aim and challenges)

We are looking for proposals that are aligned and support the key objectives of the EIT Urban Mobility Master School and the EIT Urban Mobility I&E Fellowship. Both multi-participant proposals and mono-participant proposals are accepted (see Section 3.5 of the Call Manual for specific requirements).

We welcome proposals for the following types of activities:

MSA1: Summer Schools for Master students

MSA2: New EIT Urban Mobility Master programmes (type 1: double-degree Master programmes based on the EIT Label Handbook for planning, labelling and reviewing degree programmes)

MSA3: New universities joining the existing EIT Urban Mobility Master School programmes (type 1: double-degree Master programmes based on the EIT Label Handbook for planning, labelling and reviewing degree programmes)

MSA4: I&E Master programmes that join the EIT Urban Mobility I&E Fellowship (type 2: single-degree Master programmes based on the EIT Label Handbook for Fellowships)

MSA5: Summer Schools for Bachelor students

MSA6: Other educational activities that contribute to achieving our KPIs and financial sustainability

Contact details

All applicants may contact the Academy team at EIT Urban Mobility at academycall@eiturbanmobility.eu to resolve any concerns or doubts about the call content and the call process.

Call info session

EIT Urban Mobility hosted an info session to assist applicants in preparing and submitting their proposals. The session covers the call’s scope, evaluation criteria, and technical submission details. Download the presentation here and watch:

Call summary

Call for Proposals Main Features
Key dates of the Call calendar[1]Call opening: 24 July 2024
Call closure: 10 October 2024 at 17.00 CET
Eligibility and admissibility check: October-November 2024
Evaluation of proposals: November-December 2024
Communication of results: December 2024-January 2025
Tentative start of the projects: February 2025
Total estimated EIT Funding allocated to this CallThe total EIT funding allocated to this Call is approximately €1,500,000
Link to the submission portal 1. Register on the EU Funding & Tender Portal to obtain a Participant Identification Code (PIC) number.

2. Get login credentials for the NetSuite platform: 
Organisation previously registered in PLAZA:  Please contact servicedesk@eiturbanmobility.eu.  
Organisation not registered: Submit the Partner Information Form (PIF) in order to get credentials. 

3. Access the new EIT UM NetSuite Platformafter setting a new password. 
List of documents to be submittedApplication form available on the EIT UM submission platform
List of documents to take into considerationCall manual
EIT Urban Mobility Strategic Agenda 2021-2027
Guidelines for applicants
List of KPIs with reporting guidance
Eligibility of expenditure
Appeal procedure
Project Implementation Handbook
Financial Support Agreement (FSA) template
Horizon Europe Model Grant Agreement
EIT Label Handbook for EIT Fellowships
EIT Label Handbook for planning, labelling and reviewing degree programmes 
EIT Label Handbook for Quality system for non-degree education and training and EIT Competence Certification Model
EIT Urban Mobility Master School Agreement (September 2023)
Annex B EIT Urban Mobility Master School Agreement ‒ The Innovation and Entrepreneurship minor
Application form template
Short summary of the topics to be addressedTopics to be addressed include Summer Schools, new urban mobility related master’s programmes that are aligned with the requirements of the EIT Label Handbook for planning, labelling and reviewing degree programmes, and that have the potential to be integrated into the EIT Urban Mobility Master School and obtain the EIT Label. We look for new universities joining existing EIT Urban Mobility Master programmes, and existing innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) programmes at master’s level aligned with the EIT Label Handbook for EIT Fellowships criteria with the potential to join the EIT Urban Mobility I&E Fellowship. We also welcome proposals for other types of activities with a high potential to achieve our KPI and financial sustainability targets.
Evaluation criteria (first stage)Proposals will be evaluated based on the criteria listed below:
Evaluation criteria:
– Strategic fit
– Excellence and novelty
– Impact and social, economic, financial, and general sustainability
– Quality and efficiency of the implementation

[1] Please note that this calendar is indicative. Dates may be subject to slight changes.

Starting date for sending applications:
Deadline for applications:

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