Call closed!
Partner search tool for Call for Proposals 2020 and 2021
Are you developing a project proposal for the Calls 2020 or 2021 and looking for partners? We offer you a tool through which you can state what you are looking for to strengthen your consortium or express interest in joining a proposal. The website is open to organisations from within the EIT Urban Mobility partnership as well as outside. Click HERE to access the tool.
Please note that the deadline for submission of proposals for Call for Proposals 2020 has been extended! New deadline: 30 April 2020.
We are pleased to introduce to you this Call for Proposals for projects to be implemented in 2020 in the areas of Citizen Engagement and Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS).
This is an invitation to submit proposals that will help us to continue building on our portfolio of activities in 2020.
You can find the Call for Proposals 2020 document here.
The document describes the goals and the process of the Call and outlines how activities will be selected. Furthermore, it will give you clarity on:
- What we expect: Focus of this new Call for 2020.
- How we will evaluate and select proposals: Details on the evaluation and selection procedure and the applied criteria.
- What happens and when: Transparency on the timing of the entire process.
- Rules and eligibility: Guidance on financial and administrative issues, as well as eligibility criteria.
- Where to get help: We provide a summary of all key contact points for help and support.
Thematic areas of this new Call for Proposals 2020
EIT Urban Mobility seeks to attract proposals in the following thematic areas:
- Citizen Engagement
- Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS)
Each thematic area is described in detail in the Call for Proposals 2020 document in chapter IV Overview of CfPs for the Business Plan 2020. The chapter provides information on the overall purpose of the specific thematic area, the setup/structure of the area, general criteria for the Call including eligibility and funding specifications, the general evaluation criteria and the specific focus of this year’s Call where applicable.
An overview of the type of activity for proposals expected for 2020 is provided below:
Citizen Engagement
There is already a lot of experience and knowledge among EIT Urban Mobility partners with regard to public engagement (involvement of citizens and end-users). To ensure real impact is achieved through the citizen engagement activities of EIT Urban Mobility, all these activities need to be aligned with the Strategic Agenda and contribute to the EIT Urban Mobility strategic objectives. A citizen engagement strategy can help to drive the citizen engagement activities towards the right direction. The knowledge and experiences on citizen engagement among EIT Urban Mobility partners serve as a basis for the citizen engagement strategy to be developed.
In 2020 the focus will be placed on:
- Collection of best practices of citizen engagement experiences within the EIT Urban Mobility’s partnership
- Development of a citizen engagement strategy, that will provide guidance on how to implement citizen engagement activities and which will set the basis for related activities in the years that follow
- Creation of a citizen engagement platform, which can serve for learning, exchange of knowledge and collection of best practices
The complete Call text for 2020 on Citizen Engagement can be found in the Call for Proposals 2020 document on pages 14-18.
Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS)
EIT RIS focuses on countries with currently limited or no participation in the EIT Urban Mobility, where innovation capacity is moderate or modest and which otherwise would not be able to benefit from the experience gained within the EIT Urban Mobility Community.
RIS Calls have the goal to connect new stakeholders from the RIS countries in the following activity fields:
- EIT Urban Mobility Hubs 2020
Target group: organizations from RIS countries that are not EIT partners.
Please find an extract of the call on Mobility Hubs here. - RIS innovation projects 2020
Target group: organizations from RIS countries that are not EIT partners.
Please find all detailed information in the Call for Proposals 2020 document on pages 23-25 - RIS projects connected to EIT Urban Mobility projects
Target group: organizations from RIS countries that are not EIT partners.
Please find all detailed information in the Call for Proposals 2020 document on pages 25-28 - RIS internship 2020
Target group: Students and young professionals, who are citizen of a RIS focus country.
Please find an extract of the call on RIS internship here.
Submission of proposals
All proposals need to be submitted electronically using the standard templates. The guidelines and templates for submission of proposals for the call on Citizen Engagement and for the call on RIS are made available for download in the section below ‘Supporting documents and files’.
Proposals need to be submitted by email to
Further information regarding submission is provided in Chapter III. 1 Proposal structure and submission of the Call document.
Questions related to the process, EIT definitions and requirements and other general aspects of the Call for Proposals can be addressed to:
The deadline for submission of proposals is 30 April 2020, 23:59 (UTC+1/CET). Please note that this is not the same date as for the 2021 Call for Proposals!
Matchmaking event
To facilitate the development of innovative proposals, EIT Urban Mobility organised a Matchmaking event for the Call for Proposals for Activities to be implemented in 2020 and 2021, which took place on 3-4 March 2020 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. More information can be found here.
Supporting documents and files
- Call for Proposals 2020 RIS and Citizen Engagement
- Annex 1: EIT Urban Mobility Strategic Agenda
- Annex 2: City Club Challenges for Business Plan 2021 (same challenges apply as for Call 2021)
- Annex 3: Proposal Partner Information Form Call 2020
- Guidelines and templates for submission of proposals under call 2020 Citizen Engagement
- Guidelines and templates for submission of proposals under call 2020 RIS
- Presentation and recordings of the“Web call for information and explanation of Call process and evaluation”