NetZeroCities Twin Cities Programme open for applications now
The Call to join the third Cohort of Twin Cities as part of the EU Cities Mission is open until 31 October 2024. Selected Twin Cities will join an 18-month tailored learning programme for knowledge sharing and transfer of good practices between Twin Cities and Pilot Cities. Though cities cover only 4% of the EU’s […]
The next edition of the Main Innovation Call is set to launch soon!
The next edition of the Main Innovation Call is to open on 4 April 2024. This year’s call will be focused on three topics: Public Transport, Urban Logistics, and Electrification of Transport and Alternative Fuels. The call is for SMEs, universities, research and technology organisations, or large businesses, established in a Member State of the […]
NetZeroCities: Twelve of EIT Urban Mobility’s Partner cities to pioneer in climate neutrality initiative
The NetZeroCities project has announced an additional 26 Pilot Cities to test new rapid decarbonisation approaches over a two-year programme. A total of 79 Pilot Cities, including 12 partner cities affiliated with EIT Urban Mobility, are leading the way in implementing innovative approaches to address their unique climate challenges. The initiative embraces a diverse and […]
EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Days
The EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Days are your chance to engage with EIT Urban Mobility and mobility innovators across Europe. Why get involved? Learn about the upcoming Innovation Call for Proposals 2022 and the development of Action and Interest Groups. Gain insights on the four challenge areas prioritised by the EIT Urban Mobility Innovation activities. Hear from thought leaders on key innovations in each area and […]