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Request for proposal:
Request for proposals: Project Clinic 2023

17 March 2023

EIT Urban Mobility, (hereby being referred to as “EITUM”) is seeking for an external consultant expert (hereby being referred to as “Expert”), who will deliver the ‘project clinic’ consultations to EIT Urban Mobility partners. EIT Urban Mobility has 5 Innovation Hubs based in strategic locations across Europe.  Innovation Hub South (Barcelona), Innovation Hub North (Copenhagen), Innovation Hub West (Amsterdam), Innovation Hub East (Prague) and Innovation Hub Central (Munich). Each Innovation Hub has a number of gold and silver partners applying for innovation Call for Proposals (hereby being referred to as “CfP) under the Horizon Europe programme framework. The main objective of the ‘project clinic’ is to provide individual technical support to EIT Urban Mobility partners in their proposals to develop the most competitive proposals possible, focusing on strengthening the project´s commercialisation plan, financial sustainability, go-to-market activities, and all-important project requirements.

The scope of the services are based on:

  • Organising and delivering 2 phased 1to1 project consultation sessions with each of the interested partners – each 1to1 session shall support partners with the orientation in the CfP, information on how to write a competitive project proposal, budgeting in EITUM project proposals, project and partnership management, and common mistakes etc.

To apply, please send the completed Tender Submission and Declaration Form

Check out the Request for proposals document here.

Deadline for Submissions: 24 March 2023 at 16:00 Central European Time

Deadline for submission: