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CommutINg with ShAred mobility covid-FrEe

CommINSAFE project develops and introduces to the market a technological solution consisting of a mobile application for shared mobility services addressed to ecosystems accompanied with a data management system of disinfection facilities and users’ profile. Car-pooling, ridesharing and demand responsive transport services are offered as suitable alternatives of public transport.

Project summary

CommINSAFE project develops and introduces to the market a technological solution consisting of a mobile application for shared mobility services addressed to ecosystems accompanied with a data management system of disinfection facilities and users’ profile.

Project start:

1 July 2020


€ 533,132.00


The project's objectives are:
1) Develop and assist traceability of commuters’ contacts, and
2) Create a rapid solution for disinfecting shared vehicles’ interior after every usage.


In a post-lockdown “new normal” world, mobility solutions must tackle critical aspects such as ensuring safe, in terms of health, commuting.

Expected outcome

A mobile application for shared mobility services accompanied with data management system of disinfection facilities and users’ profile.

Project Lead

Josep Maria Salanova Grau