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The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and the innovation, networking and funding opportunities offered to companies

Event details

"The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and the opportunities for innovation, networking and funding offered to companies" is an online session where the characteristics and activities of this European organisation, an integral part of the Horizon Europe programme and a unique initiative of the European Union, will be presented.

In addition to learning about the work of the EIT, we will learn about the activity of seven of its Knowledge Innovation Communities (KICs), which promote innovation through transnational collaboration between companies, educational and research centres that generate innovative solutions to solve the global challenges we face as a society.

In addition to listening to representatives of the EIT and its KICs, you will have the opportunity to hold bilateral meetings with the heads of those KICs whose subject matter is of interest to you, by requesting it through the registration form. (session in Spanish).


11:00-11:05h. – Welcome

  • Carmen Ronchel, Technical Manager of the Biotechnology sector, CTA 
  • Nathalie Chavrier, Technical Manager of the Biotechnology sector, CTA 

11:05-11:15h. – Instituto Europeo de Innovación y Tecnología (EIT), driving innovation in Europe

  • Antoni Pijoan, Managing Director West EIT Manufacturing 

11:15-12:25H. – The EIT Knowledge Innovation Communities and their innovation opportunities

  • EIT Health - Joan Grasas Leon, Entrepreneurship Lead - Spain 

  • EIT Raw Material - Margarita Paneque, CSIC representative in Andalucía

  • EIT Urban Mobility - Marta Álvarez, Stakeholders & Partner Manager 

  • EIT Manufacturing - Antoni PijoanManaging Director West 

  • EIT Digital - Elena Contioso - Fleming, Ecosystem Lead for Southern Europe 

  • EIT Climate-KIC- Maria Garcia Rodriguez, Spain Director , and Maria Ángeles Huerta, Partners coordinators

  • EIT Food - Teresa Aguirre, Ecosystem Manager South 

12:25 – 13:30h – B2B meetings with KIC's representatives

Registration for the online session is available HERE


8 May 2023 to
8 May 2023