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EIT Urban Mobility Round table - Going Global, some tips and strategies for the internationalisation process for mobility startups

Event details

Connect with the European entrepreneurial urban mobility ecosystem This Thursday, April 15th, from 11 a.m. to 12pm, we will be hosting a Round Table in the framework of the EIT Urban Mobility Acceleration Program Hub South. The topic covered will be: Going Global, some tips and Strategies for the internationalization process for mobility startups.   We will have experts with a long history and recognition in the Urban Mobility sector who will share their experiences in the internationalization process:   • Timo Buetefisch, CEO of Cooltra • Jaume Mayor, CEO and founder of WeSmartPark • Thibault Castagne, CEO and co-founder of Vianova   The event will be moderated by Matteo Consonni, Business Creation Manager at EIT UM Hub South.   Connect here 
We have organised the event and we’ll be hosting it. We have contacted the three experts that will be sharing their experiences on their internationalization process, and we’ve contacted with Matteo Consonni, Business Creation Manager at EIT UM Hub South and he’ll be moderating the session.  
Connect with the European entrepreneurial urban mobility ecosystem On Thursday, 15 April, from 11 a.m. to 12pm, we will be hosting a Round Table in the framework of the EIT Urban Mobility Acceleration Program Hub South. The topic covered will be: Going Global, some tips and Strategies for the internationalization process for mobility startups.   We will have experts with a long history and recognition in the Urban Mobility sector who will share their experiences in the internationalization process:  

  • Timo Buetefisch, CEO and Cofounder at Cooltra
  • Jaume Mayor, CEO and founder at WeSmartPark
  • Thibault Castagne, CEO and co-founder at Vianova

The event will be moderated by Matteo Consonni, Business Creation Manager at EIT UM Hub South.

15 April 2021 - 11:00 to
15 April 2021 - 12:00