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Action and Impact Groups (AIGs) Launch Event: Mobility and Energy

Event details

EIT Urban Mobility through its Action and Impact Groups (AIGs) pilot initiative is pleased to announce the launch of the Mobility and Energy AIG taking place on Wednesday 26 January 2022 from 10:00 – 12:00 CET. 

The event is an opportunity for our community to learn about external funding options in 2022 and an opportunity to engage and form consortia. Attendees will hear from Innovation Director, Gareth Macnaughton about the objectives and strategy of the AIG programme followed by an introduction to the Challenge Area of Mobility and Energy  by Marian Nic. In-depth discussions around calls of interest in the topic will take place in break-up rooms with the aim of creating innovative concepts and emerging consortia. 

Register for the event and join the conversation on Mobility and Energy.  

26 January 2022 - 10:00 to
26 January 2022 - 12:00