GENERation Nature

Areas where cities meet natural parks often exhibit environmental degradation. Yet, these border zones hold great potential for reconnecting citizens with nature. Similarly, the needs of people at transitional stages of life, such as the young and elderly, are often underrepresented in the public realm. GENERation Nature aims to bridge these challenges by integrating and […]
CoolCo’s – Cooling corners and corridors

Europe’s rapidly rising temperatures change our cities to boiling and unliveable spaces in which vulnerable communities suffer more with devastating consequences; heat-related deaths are higher among these populations. Additionally, as most public spaces are overly dedicated to recreational or hospitality uses that target primarily wealthier groups, vulnerable social groups’ use of public space is mostly […]
Recharging recovery

The Ljubljana University Medical Centre (UMC) is the largest hospital centre in Slovenia and among the largest in Central Europe. Every day, the area fills with employees, patients, and visitors. It is located in the heart of the city and lacks dedicated public transport solutions, while pedestrian and cyclist lanes are neglected. The project improved […]

OPEN NATURE worked with the Collserola Natural Park, located at the heart of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, to identify sites for ecological and aesthetic rehabilitation near dense urban areas and well-positioned pathways from the city to the park. Through the project, sustainably harvested local wood was worked into aesthetic structures and elements and positioned […]

The Greenovate project revitalized and beautified the centre of the town of Kozani, adding greening space through window boxes and large planters in the main thoroughfares of the centre and on the pedestrian places across the town’s market area. All materials used for the creation of the Green Corners came from upcycling material thus promoting […]
STATION SOFIA –New Greenways for Old Railways

StationSofia (Stochna Gara) was once the reason for the industrialisation and residential development on the north side of the railroad in Sofia, although it is currently unused. This project planned to activate the unused heritage building and 80 hectares of wild landscape on the outskirts of Sofia city centre via sustainable urban transformation and citizen […]
Podilsky courtyard for local community

The space development project was implemented in the neighbourhood building of Old Podil in Kyiv by locals in collaboration with the authorities, by holding public participation events. The project area was characterised by abandoned historic buildings, a low level of landscaping and a lack of public spaces, playgrounds and sports grounds. The project planned to […]
Building Sharing Community

Library of Things (LOT) is a non-profit sharing centre that encourages its users to rent items they would typically have to buy. The emphasis is on items usually used only a couple of times per year. The project helped users save money, time, and space and educated them about the environmental and social benefits of […]
Modular Refugee Settlement

The Modular Refugee Settlement Project (ProModSe) consisted on the preparation of a place to live for people forced to leave their homes due to the war in Ukraine. The prototype settlement for the refugee population in Lviv, Ukraine, took into account the needs of families and single people, creating communities and quality housing and environments. […]
Elderly on Track

The ElTra project enhanced active mobility among the elderly to improve their health while increasing social cohesion. The aged population in Europe is rising and healthcare investment on seniors is growing accordingly. The COVID-19 pandemic has meanwhile disrupted the social networks of many elderly people. Active mobility can positively impact physical and mental health while […]
Weaving Superilles

Barcelona, one of the most densely populated cities in Europe, is pioneering a new model of urban regeneration: superilles (also known as superblocks). The approach consists of pacifying streets in entire neighborhoods, creating more liveable public space, and promoting sustainable behaviour change. The objective of the project “Teixint Superilles” – which translates from Catalan as […]
Enhancing citizen engagement to design, locate and build a green solution

The core activity of the project was to design a green or blue solution to mitigate the impact of climate change through design and to build a natural space to help to cool public spaces in Lyon. Place Saint-Jean was chosen as the experimentation site in Lyon, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This […]
Lugoj – For kids, by kids

The project “Lugoj: For kids, by kids” improved the public space in the town of Lugoj, Romania through an innovative grassroots approach, by connecting pupils with the public administration. The main objectives of “Lugoj – For kids, by kids” was to co-identify -together with students- the obstacles children face when cycling to school, in using […]
RAPID 3D model of Dudullu Metro Station

The Istanbul Mobility Lab within Dudullu metro station specialises in the theme of future mobility to design and create solutions to the city’s existing transportation and mobility problems for citizens and entrepreneurs. The Dudullu metro station fitted well to the RAPID 3D model project because the 3D model of the station and the Mobility Lab […]
Let’s Protect the Schools

Since 2020, the Municipality of Barcelona has set the project, Protegim les escoles (Protecting schools), as a high priority strategy to provide Barcelona’s schools with safe, comfortable, and healthy public spaces that act as meeting places for children, their families and neighbours. By 2030, it is intended that all 585 schools in Barcelona will offer […]